Saturday, 27 December 2014

How Can Girls Touch Lives at Christmas? - By Patience Joy Vincent

Some time ago, my only brother was missing and after a lot of searching I found him dead at our best playground. I cried out to heaven wishing he could come back to life. He had been my companion wherever I went. I could not escape his shadow. People who knew us well, who I thought would console me, most of them withdrew while the others graced me with stories of the own loss of their loved ones. They held me close with their arms and closer with their kindness. That was when I learned what love is and love feels at peace when it is true, no matter the form in which it appears to us. A second lesson I had learnt: I was amazed to see other people with their brothers. I found that their smiles consoled me. The two important lessons set me free. When love comes from anywhere and anyone and also when I can rejoice in another’s well being, even when I suffer from the lack of what they own, I feel free. Just as I wish to be reunited with my brother in the future, so too do I wish to see people happier not only during festivities but always.

Vision and love are indispensable to each other. I love Christmas and my vision for the world is community service. The best way for a girl to touch lives at Christmas is to share and care for the people in need of love around her. She should give without wanting anything in return. Every Christmas, she could give out some of her good clothes, jewellery and savings to the needy girls around her. She could also give out gifts and candy to the kids around her. She could lead other girls in her community to help the senior citizens by reaching out to them - by cleaning their homes and doing their laundry. She could also visit the sick, the orphans and lead other young girls along with her to visit women prisoners and widows around her providing inspiration for them. She could also visit brothels and advice women against prostitution and crime. She could visit step families and educate the mothers and daughters on the need for love and unity. She could visit victims of rape and inspire them never to lose hope.

In these ways, she would be a miracle at Christmas, a blessing to everyone.
Patience is a 16 year old student of Ajanbadi High School, Afromedia, Okokomaiko, Lagos. Her above essay clinched 10th place in the Girl Pride Circle Christmas Essay Competition.

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